Canadian Sport Scent Detection Federation (CSSDF)
This fun sport teaches your dog to use his/her nose to find a specific scent or odour on cue, and then indicated that they have found it. this is a great opportunity for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of physical and mental energy. Let's find out just how good your dog's nose is! All breeds are welcome. There are no dogs too young, too old, too big or too small. This sport also can benefit dogs with fear or aggression issues- giving them an opportunity to work in an environment excluded from other dogs.
Whether you want to just learn a new sport to enjoy with your dog, or would like to compete in trials and achieve titles, this new sport is for you.
Levels of Competition:
Novice Level- intro (1 test)
Level 1- Beginner (3 tests)
Level 2- Advanced (3 tests)
Level 3- Excellent (3 tests)
Level 4- Superb (2 tests)
Level 5- Master (2 tests)
Level 6- Grand Master (1 test)
For descriptions of the testing, please refer to the CSSDF website at
Essex County K9 is an accredited training facility for the Canadian Sport Scent Detection Federation (CSSDF) providing scent detection classes. This organization has selected certain training facilities to be authorized to teach classes, host seminars and hold trials on their behalf, and we are honoured to have been chosen for this area, (tested and accredited). This provides the opportunity for you and your K9 to compete in tournaments, become titled or simply learn an exciting new sport which teaches your dog to use his/her nose.
For more information contact us at 519-791-6203 or by email at
To learn more about the CSSDF, please find them on Facebook and at